Support Our Cause

Donations to Lift All Voices facilitate the healing journey of survivors. We provide avenues for expression and support through our blog, therapy initiatives, and community outreach. Your contribution becomes an essential resource in the healing progress.


Survive to Heal is a L.A.V Media podcast that tells stories of the human ability to survive the trauma
of life, build courage toward healing.
We hope these stories give you the courage to find hope in your journey. Our traumatic experiences can put us in a valley of hurt often keeping us in a shadow pit that is meant to keep a stronghold of
every good thing we were meant to accomplish in this life.
Today, as you wait for the unspoken apologies from offenders to begin your healing journey,
remember to give yourself permission to begin releasing your trauma. Touch your heart, breathe in
and out, this is your reminder you're still here, you've survived to heal.
For the past 30 years I have worn the shame of my sexual abuser, I’ve
taken on some of the false identities of my oppressors after they broke
me. I wore the pain and carried my scars in secret without the voice to
speak to the hurt inside. Then I found writing, spirituality and music.
Writing began as a healing tool to voice the trauma. I began writing
about my hurts and pain on the pages that allowed me to see the
trauma outside myself for the first time on paper. It was time to
acknowledge it all to build courage toward finding self-healing.

Turning scars to stories that inspire change.

Sometimes your redemption story is the mere fact that you are sitting here speaking about your story.” -
~Faith Ehiozuwa~
Many Life experiences created the stories we tell ourselves. Some experiences we carried were traumatic that left scars. Others we have worked to overcome. Some scars we
store deeper fear of ever opening up that emotional box that may be that reminder of the past.
We wait for the unspoken apologies from offenders that may be used as permission to seek healing. I’ve been there. I am here to remind you that you have “Survived to Heal”.
The pain was thrust upon you but never circused you. Your heart was shattered from the experience that sought to steal your happiness, yet you still manage to find inches of joy in art, music,and God’s nature. Many didn’t believe your story. Fallacies were spoken to expose your character yet you find hope in humanity. Society left you in the valley of hurt and put you in a shadow pit that was meant to keep a stronghold of every good thing you were meant to enjoy. Touch your heart, breathe. A reminder you're still here, you have survived to heal.

Support Our Cause

Donations to Lift All Voices facilitate the healing journey of survivors. Through our blog, therapy initiatives, and community outreach, we provide avenues for expression and support. Your contribution becomes an essential resource in the healing process.

Share Your Truth "Your Tribe Awaits"!

This podcast ( Survive to Heal) is my way of sharing real experiences
while rebuilding hope toward our collective healing.
My sole mission now is to invite others with similar stories to share their truth and gain the authority of knowing they have survived what was meant to break them. It's now time to release the story that was given to you but that doesn’t define you in your identity. The permission you need to heal comes not from the of ender but from your will to live a happier life. Seeking healing is a gift, the best way to take back the story's narrative and bring about an understanding of your trauma.

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encourage healing through wearing beautifully inspire clothing, words has a way of encouraging

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Sponsor a video today. Your sponsorship help give voice to through sharing their story

4. Social change Influential Promotion:

Want to use your influence to amplify voices, we love to partner with influencers to help us scale our by amplifying stories from voices of those we champion through your social awareness promotional on your social media pages.