Support Our Cause

Donations to Lift All Voices facilitate the healing journey of survivors. We provide avenues for expression and support through our blog, therapy initiatives, and community outreach. Your contribution becomes an essential resource in the healing progress.

Our Story

Meet The C.E.O

Faith Ehiozuwa

Chief Executive Officer, Lift All Voices

In the sacred journey of Lift All Voices, Faith Ehiozuwa leads as the Chief Executive Officer, guided by her unwavering faith in the transformative power of compassion and healing. As a devoted Christian faith believer, Faith brings forth her leadership with a profound commitment to uplifting survivors and fostering a community deeply rooted in empathy and spiritual resilience.

In her role as CEO, Faith draws from a wealth of professional experience, coupled with a divine calling to create a haven for survivors, particularly within the black community. Her vision is not only organizational but divine—an aspiration to cultivate a movement that echoes the virtues of resilience, breaks the silence surrounding abuse, and champions the redemptive power of storytelling.

Faith's leadership reflects her dedication to excellence, driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those who have walked the challenging path of trauma. Under her guidance, Lift All Voices continues to unfold as a sanctuary of hope, offering resources, support, and a platform for survivors to share their testimonies.

With Faith Ehiozuwa at the forefront, Lift All Voices stands as a testament to the transformative grace of faith in trauma recovery and advocacy. Her leadership, guided by Christian principles, shapes the organization's trajectory, fostering a community where every survivor's voice is not just acknowledged but cherished and uplifted.

In the spirit of Christian compassion, Faith's stewardship ensures that Lift All Voices remains steadfast in its mission, leaving an enduring impact on the landscape of trauma recovery and advocacy through the lens of faith, love, and redemption.

Faith Okereke

Creative Director, Lift All Voices

Step into the inspiring realm of Lift All Voices, guided by our visionary Creative Director, Faith Okereke. Rooted in faith and imbued with a profound belief in the healing power of stories, Faith crafts an atmosphere where creativity intertwines seamlessly with compassion and purpose.

Faith's journey is a testament to the transformative potential of artistry when grounded in faith. With a deep understanding of the spiritual resonance in narratives, she breathes life into our platform, weaving threads of hope, resilience, and divine purpose into every visual creation.

As the creative soul behind Lift All Voices, Faith envisions our space as a sanctuary where creativity becomes a vessel for divine change. Her commitment to amplifying the voices of survivors, especially within the black community, is a reflection of her faith-driven dedication to unity and healing.

In the symphony of our team, Faith's creative notes resonate with the spirit of empathy and spiritual purpose. She envisions Lift All Voices as a vibrant canvas where every stroke is an expression of faith, bridging gaps, and inspiring a collective journey towards spiritual empowerment.

Faith brings to life the divine essence of our platform, where every visual element serves a higher purpose. With her at the helm, Lift All Voices continues to flourish as a testament to the divine potential within each survivor's story – where faith, art, and healing converge in a beautiful dance of spiritual expression.


Support Our Cause

Donations to Lift All Voices facilitate the healing journey of survivors. Through our blog, therapy initiatives, and community outreach, we provide avenues for expression and support. Your contribution becomes an essential resource in the healing process.

Share Your Truth "Your Tribe Awaits"!

This podcast ( Survive to Heal) is my way of sharing real experiences
while rebuilding hope toward our collective healing.
My sole mission now is to invite others with similar stories to share their truth and gain the authority of knowing they have survived what was meant to break them. It's now time to release the story that was given to you but that doesn’t define you in your identity. The permission you need to heal comes not from the of ender but from your will to live a happier life. Seeking healing is a gift, the best way to take back the story's narrative and bring about an understanding of your trauma.

Other Ways Yo Can Support Us:

1. Patreon: click here

2: Wearing Our Merchandise:

encourage healing through wearing beautifully inspire clothing, words has a way of encouraging

3. Sponsorship:

Sponsor a video today. Your sponsorship help give voice to through sharing their story

4. Social change Influential Promotion:

Want to use your influence to amplify voices, we love to partner with influencers to help us scale our by amplifying stories from voices of those we champion through your social awareness promotional on your social media pages.